Painting Matters & Material Lists

Materials List - re Workshop for Tosside Art Group

River Ribble
Ways to Paint Water - A list of useful materials for the private workshop that will be held for Tosside Art Group where we will explore the painting of still and flowing water in river and sea
First of all this is going to be a workshop so I will be doing a number of simple pictures in the morning session where we will look at theory as well as technique. In the afternoon we will put it all together using one of the techniques in a more complex artwork. So you will need plenty of paper (about 6 sheets to be on the safe side). Not too big but not so small you can't see what you are doing. I will be using a size of 1/8 imperial (eleven by seven and half inches) but anything about that size should be fine. You can go larger in the afternoon if you wish. And a NOT surface will be good to use but some of the techniques also work well with a rough paper.

For paint and brusher I will use – Ultramarine blue, Cadmium or Windsor yellow (Cadmium yellow hue), Cadmium red (or hue), Raw sienna or yellow ochre, Burnt umber and white gouache for cheating when painting waves. Student colours will work just as well as artist colours and if you do not have these colours do not worry any blue, red, yellow combination will be fine. For brushes I will use a large round brush (probably a 12), a round 7, a size 3 rigger, a flat 1/2” might be useful and possibly a small hake.

Do not get hung up with the above list as the aim of the day is to enjoy yourself – bring what you have got but mainly bring yourself.

Regards - Malcolm